Chronic illness can be challenging to manage because of how it impacts nearly every aspect of our lives. Between navigating medical care, ensuring basic needs are met, and completing daily tasks, it can take a toll on our mental health and quality of life. A chronic illness differs from an acute illness, such as the flu, because a full recovery may not be possible. Learning to cope with the illness becomes part of everyday life. Understanding how to manage your mental health during chronic illness can help you cope more healthily and bring more enjoyment back into your life.

Manage Stress

Chronic illness can wear on us physically, mentally, and emotionally. The challenges it brings to daily life can trigger increased feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, frustration, and more. Unmanaged stress can negatively affect mental health as well as symptoms of illness and treatment. Practice healthy management by taking stock of your stressors and their triggers. Define what stressors are in your control, out of your control, or what you need help with. This approach gives you a blueprint on how to manage them better. Make changes to adapt or avoid stressful situations whenever possible. Utilize mindful exercises like deep breathing, meditation, or grounding to help give your mind a break when you feel overwhelmed.

Fuel Up

Adequate sleep and balanced nutrition are our body’s primary energy sources. Prioritizing these components will give us the energy to work through physical and mental challenges. Consider implementing a bedtime routine to prepare your mind and body for sleep. Begin around the same time each night and incorporate relaxing, screen-free activities. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables, fibrous whole grains, and lean proteins into your daily menu to help ensure you’re getting adequate nutrients. Not only will these nutrients fuel your energy levels, but they will also help keep your immune system working strong.

Keep Moving

Regular physical activity promotes the production of mood-boosting hormones. It can also make daily tasks more manageable. Meet with your doctor to discuss including exercise in your treatment plan and any special considerations or restrictions. Then, consider working with a certified exercise professional to create a routine tailored to your exercise level and needs.

Understand Your Health Plan

Having a good understanding of your treatment plan and following up with your medical team can relieve some of the guesswork and feelings of uncertainty that come with chronic illness. It allows you to keep the things you can control in perspective. Prioritize keeping your appointments, medication, and treatment organized. Keep a list of questions you may have for your doctors and bring them to each visit to review and discuss.

Find Enjoyment

Your chronic illness doesn’t need to define you. Managing daily struggles and challenges can leave you feeling defeated, but there are ways to continue finding enjoyment in each day. Make it a point to incorporate small activities you look forward to and can savor, such as reading a book, calling a friend, or listening to a funny podcast. Allowing yourself the time and space to do something you love, even if only for a few minutes, can provide a respite from the daunting and often overwhelming thoughts that chronic illness can cause.

Get the Right Support

Finally, you never have to walk through the valley of chronic illness alone. Support can come in many forms, from friends and family lending a listening ear to talking with a licensed therapist or meeting with a group of people navigating the same journey. Talk with your doctor about various options and find the right avenue of support for you. Building a reliable support system can help you find resiliency through challenges and celebrate big or small victories.

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