About Kayla Repp

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So far Kayla Repp has created 64 blog entries.

Mind-Body Fitness

Mind-body fitness incorporates mental engagement with active movement and controlled breathing. This full-body approach to activity focuses on body awareness during exercise and can also include mindful meditation. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of this fitness style and ways you can add it to your current workout routine. Benefits Mind-body fitness is a form of activity that allows the individual to see full-body benefits. When our mind is prepared for and focused on the exercise we're completing, it can help us pay more attention to our movements. We’re more in tune with our intensity, technique, and form. More awareness lowers the risk of injury and increases the ability to experience the benefits of physical activity. Research has shown how this type of fitness can benefit overall health and disease management. Research suggests, “Incorporating approaches such as mind-body [...]

The Perfect Picnic

Sunny weather is here again! And what's more perfect for picnics? With picnics in mind, we thought we'd write some helpful hints on ways to keep picnics fun, simple, and healthy. Remember back to our "Building A Healthy Salad" article, we used the Plate Method as a starting point for building a great salad. Many of those same principles, plus the tips in this article, can be used to plan for The Perfect Picnic! To review, the plate method encourages filling at least half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables, a quarter of it with lean protein and the remainder with whole grains and fruits. Stay Ahead of Dehydration with Water, Fruits and Vegetables It's always important to ensure adequate hydration, especially with any increase in physical activity. While packing our food for the day, we might accidentally forget to [...]

Now Trending: Group Fitness

Feeling bored or stuck with your current exercise routine? Then group fitness might be your answer. This style of exercise is constantly changing and evolving. Due to the wide variety of options, it is easy to find a class of interest. We’ve rounded up and explored some of the newest trends in group fitness. Group Personal Training Group personal training has become a more budget-friendly option for personalized training. The group usually consists of two to five participants, so the cost per person is less than a private session. Since these groups are smaller than a typical group fitness class, you can still have individualized training specific to your goals and needs. Grab a few friends and begin your fitness journey together. Virtual Fitness Classes Exercising with a group can help boost motivation and accountability, but day-to-day challenges can make [...]

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer screening was in the news recently, as the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is planning to lower the recommended age for beginning mammograms. The USPSTF and the American Cancer Society now both agree that screening mammography should begin at age 40 for women at average risk. Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women (behind skin cancer), and the second most deadly (behind lung cancer). Nearly 300,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2023. Fortunately, the 5-year survival rate for breast cancer is now over 90%, and it continues to rise. This ongoing improvement is due to a combination of early detection and increasingly effective treatments. Risk Factors and Prevention Risk factors increase a person’s chances of getting a certain condition. According to the National Cancer Institute, these are the main [...]