
Hello Fall, Hello Soup Season!

  A bowl of soup not only makes you feel better when you are under the weather, but it is a great way to make a quick meal that is loaded up with nutrient-dense foods to fuel your body on a cold day. Soup Super Star Ingredients Beans and lentils: Beans and lentils are both affordable and high in fiber and protein. Soluble fiber lowers LDL (lousy) cholesterol and is found naturally in many types [...]

Plant-based Milks

Which Dairy Alternative is Right for You? The dairy aisle can be overwhelming these days. Which one to pick? Almond milk? Ripple milk? Oat milk? Not all dairy alternatives are created equal. Some barely contain any protein while others are loaded with added sugar. Review the chart below to compare the nutrient content of various dairy alternatives.   Type   Serving Size   Calories   Total Fat   Saturated Fat   Protein Whole milk   [...]

Facts on Antibiotics

What are Antibiotics? Antibiotics are a group of drugs used to treat bacterial infections. Bacteria are small organisms that live and multiply in many different hosts, including humans, animals and plants. All of us have millions of bacteria in our bodies — some are helpful and others can grow inside our bodies and make us sick by causing infections. Examples of bacterial infections include strep throat, whooping cough, and certain types of pneumonia. It is [...]

Building your Immune System with Healthy Habits

  With the upcoming changing of the seasons, we will soon see a major change in the weather. With that change, colds and the flu will be running rampant. Even though it might be harder to tackle workouts in the colder months, exercise and incorporating nutrient-dense foods into meals are critical to support your immune system and overall wellness. Try using these simple tips and tricks to help you stay active and healthy throughout the [...]

Sleep, Stress, and Your Immune System

Days can pile up with stress and lead to nights of little sleep. We’re all too familiar with how frustrating this can be. Did you know that it can also cause our immune system to take a hit? Our stress and sleep have direct correlations with how our immune system functions. Prioritizing sleep and stress management is an integral part of staying healthy. How Does Sleep Affect Your Immune System? Sleep is necessary for your [...]

Top 10 Ways to Practice Good Gym Hygiene & Etiquette

   Attending a local gym can be a great way to establish and maintain an exercise program. With many people coming and going throughout the facility in a day, it’s important to do your part in keeping it a safe and healthy environment. We’re going to take a closer look at the top 10 ways to practice good gym hygiene and etiquette. Wash Your Hands Wash your hands before and after your exercise session to [...]

Back to Exercise Basics

  So, you want to create an exercise habit, but this is a new area for you. Or maybe it’s just been a while since you’ve had a good, consistent routine. Class is officially in session, and we’re going to take a closer look at the basics of exercise. When you start with the building blocks that form a solid foundation, it is easier to begin and stick to your exercise goals long-term. What are [...]

5 Tips for Managing School and Your Stress

  A new school year is a busy and exciting time for students of any age. However, all that excitement can bring a lot of extra stress. Settling back into a routine can be a breath of fresh air after the summer break, but between changes in schedules, homework, tests, and day-to-day responsibilities, life can start to feel overwhelming quickly. We’re going to explore five different ways that can help you manage stress this school [...]

Building a Balanced Lunchbox

Steps to Build a Healthy Lunchbox When filling up your children’s lunch box, make sure to include a variety of different foods. Half of their lunch should consist of fruits and vegetables, a quarter should be protein, and a quarter should be whole grains. It is important for children to consume a variety of nutrients because they play an important role in growth and development. Follow these 5 easy steps to build your child a [...]

Influenza Season is Upon Us

The time between October and March is known as flu season because the viruses that cause influenza (and other types of flu) are more prevalent and more easily spread during the fall and winter months. Influenza virus activity starts increasing in October and spikes between December and February. That means it’s time to start considering how you’ll protect yourself—and the people around you—this flu season. As with other viruses, you can reduce the chance of [...]

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