The Corona Impact – Drink Less Alcohol

How much is too much? Current CDC guidelines for alcohol consumption recommend less than one drink per day for women and two for men. Trends indicate moderate drinkers are consuming far more than the current guidelines. In the past year, it was found that men averaged four to fourteen drinks per week and women averaged four to seven drinks. There are short and long-term health consequences of consuming too much alcohol.  The Corona Impact A 2020 study measuring alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic found that drinking increased amongst 60% of participants (compared to the year prior, 2019). Even before the pandemic, the consumption trends still far exceeded CDC guidelines! In addition to the health consequences this past year had on many individuals, increased alcohol consumption adds to the risks for more health issues. Risks Short-term consequences include alcohol poisoning [...]

Tips for a Healthy Cookout

  Finally, a mask-free summer that is barbequed, smoked, slathered, rubbed, and dipped! When it comes to summertime cookouts, going overboard on indulgent foods happens often. It may seem impossible to include healthier alternatives at these get-togethers but serving healthier options can be easier than you think. According to the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics we need to think beyond the traditional barbeque favorites. Here are a few ideas for your next summertime party: Go Lean Instead of using processed meats such as hot dogs and sausage, try incorporating leaner meats. Choose healthier options like lean beef, pork, and chicken. Fish is also a great alternative and cooks up quickly on the grill. Consider swapping out typical beef burgers for heart healthy turkey burgers. Ground turkey can be found as lean as 99% fat free. Add some flavorful ingredients [...]

Fruits and Vegetables—Low on Calories and High on Fiber

  “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” What is it about apples and other fruits and vegetables that make it so crucial for us to have them in our daily diets? Fruits and vegetables are great sources of fiber which helps to fill us up, promote health, reduce constipation, reduce blood glucose levels, increase immune support and aid with weight management. An average person needs 25 grams of fiber per day. To put that into perspective, one apple has more than 4 grams of fiber. An apple a day helps you reach your fiber goals! A diet rich in fruits and vegetables also provides essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that are important for good health. Phytonutrients are disease fighting properties that only plants (phyto) possess. These nutrients may also reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. [...]

Organic vs. Conventional Produce: What is the difference?

A frequent dilemma in the produce aisle: to choose organic or not to choose organic. Perhaps you pick up two apples: one organic and one conventionally grown. Both are round, firm, and red. Both are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. So which should you choose? Let’s get the facts straight before heading off to the grocery store. What does “organic” mean? According the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the term “organic” refers to the way farmers grow and handle their crops. They must follow strict guidelines to be labeled with the USDA organic seal. Organic farming practices, established by the USDA, are designed to enhance water and soil quality, reduce overall pollution, and promote sustainability among the farming industry. In organic farming there are practices that are not permitted and are overseen by the USDA. Materials and processes NOT [...]

Air Fried Food: Healthy Fast Food?

Potato chips, fried chicken, and French fries overwhelmingly appeal to all the senses with their crispy crunch and flavor. Fried foods are a staple in the American diet because they are fast and convenient. However, these foods have health implications. Fried Food Health Concerns and Solutions: Fried foods are high in saturated fats and trans fats. We know these fats contribute to heart disease, obesity, and type II diabetes. It is important to limit these fats in the diet. Try to choose foods that have healthy fats like nuts, salmon, and skinless chicken. Cooking with oils that contain unsaturated fats like extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil are better than butter and lard. Think of using fats that are liquid at room temperature and not solid. Decrease the amount of fat used while cooking and switch to an unsaturated [...]

Iced Tea for Health

  What would your life be like without the 1904 World's Fair? Many of our fun food staples hit the American taste buds at the fair, including the hamburger, hot dog, peanut butter, ice cream cone, cotton candy, and iced tea. During that time, iced tea became a staple of American culture. Health Benefits Heart Health and Cancer Risk There are health protecting properties to plants called phytochemicals.  Research is constantly being done about how different phytochemicals correlate to health and wellness. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, usually called EGCG, is a phytochemical found in high amounts in green tea. EGCG has been linked to decreasing inflammation and better heart health . Researchers have also linked a decreased risk of breast, colorectal and prostate cancer with some of the properties in green tea. Nutrition Minerals such as manganese, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and zinc vary [...]

Decrease Inflammation with Diet

  Anti-Inflammatory Foods Our bodies have a natural ability to fight off invading predators! The immune system protects us from microbes and illness every single day. This process of protection causes inflammation. There are foods that can cause inflammation too. Unfortunately, this can lead to chronic inflammation within our bodies. According to Harvard Health Publishing, chronic inflammation is the cornerstone for preventable diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. What foods cause inflammation? What foods calm inflammation?  What we eat can truly affect how we feel. Cause Inflammation Foods typically recommended to avoid such as high fat, processed, or calorically dense foods are the same foods that can cause chronic inflammation. According to Dr. Kielcolt-Glaser from the Department of Psychiatry at Ohio State University, these foods modulate pathways within us that increase physical, immune, and nervous system stress. Not only [...]

Adaptogenic Mushrooms

  The largest living organism in the world is a fungus: the almighty mushroom. At the cell level, mushrooms have more in common with humans than any other plant. Maybe that is why they seem so helpful to human health? Adaptogens are a class of herb that are thought to help us cope with stress. Types of stress range from general inflammation to fight-or-flight response. The thought is that they aid in the ability of our bodies to cope and adapt to physical, biological, and chemical stress. Consuming adaptogenic herbs can possibly help reduce physical fatigue along with depression and anxiety, enhance mental performance and immunity, and generally help you thrive under pressure. Medicinal mushrooms have been used for thousands of years in Eastern Medicine. The adaptogen class of these mushrooms have shown to reduce the effects of stress on [...]

Gluten: Sensitivity or Celiac, May 2021

Read Time: 1 min 35 sec   Flour is the foundation for a lot of the delicious food we eat such as pizza, bread, and pasta. Some people will “go gluten-free” to lose weight, others because they feel bloated after a plate of pasta, and those with arthritis symptoms because they were told it would decrease the pain and fatigue. Let’s breakdown what gluten is and who would benefit from “going gluten-free”. Gluten is a protein in flour that plays an important role in giving structure and texture to our food. Celiac disease is an immune reaction to gluten, not an allergy. Individuals with this disease must read food labels and avoid all foods containing gluten. If a person with Celiac disease consumes gluten, it causes damage to the lining of the small intestines. This can decrease the absorption of [...]

Vegetables for Breakfast

Vegetables for Breakfast Read Time: 1 minute 32 seconds Vegetables are not just for lunch or dinner anymore. They can be a great sidekick to eggs and multigrain toast as well! It can be challenging to consume the total recommended daily amount of vegetables (1-3 cups per day), especially if there is only 1 serving being consumed at lunch and dinner. Vegetables contain many different nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and fiber, that are important for health. These nutrients can also prevent certain cancers and decrease risk of heart disease. They come in an array of colors and pair well with many different foods. Consider grating zucchini and carrots, then bake it into a favorite muffin or pancake mix. If you are in a hurry, blend up a smoothie with spinach, kale, and rhubarb, then add frozen [...]