Take a Green Break

Green breaks, or nature breaks, have become a trending topic in stress management, and for good reason! This practice focuses on short breaks that incorporate nature and greenery in some form. A green break could include time around plants indoors or a walk outside in a park. The idea is that a quick break to be among nature positively affects our stress management and mental health. Let's explore the benefits of these breaks and how to incorporate them into your daily life. The Benefits A nature break is a way to utilize all your senses. You can see the greenery, you can touch the tree bark, you can smell flowers, you can hear the wind rustling and the birds chirping, and you can taste fresh air. Engaging the senses is a grounding technique that allows your mind to break from [...]

Hydrate for Health

  Hydration is quite the trend in recent years, and that makes complete sense, as water is essential for life. Even subtle dehydration can impair performance in numerous areas. Every part of our body needs water to function properly. With that said, what really constitutes adequacy in hydration? This can be confusing, as the internet is rife with contradictory information and influencers carrying gallon jugs or toting the hottest water bottle. Daily Requirements Depend on Several Factors In the US and Canada, the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK45182/) recommendations determine "Adequate Intake" (AI), based on research conducted in healthy people.  However, it is acknowledged that studies on fluid intake are difficult to conduct and depend on several individual factors.  The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine tell us that daily AI for adults is as follows: Males - [...]

Mid-Year Health Assessment

It is hard to believe that 2023 is half over! Now that everybody is settling into a summer routine, it is a great time to look at your health habits and set goals for the remainder of the year. The suggested links may be found at the end of the article. Checklist For Healthy Aging – These 5 Will Keep You Alive! Evaluate Your Current Health Status. Being up to date on screening exams and knowing your screening numbers help you avoid or manage chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and unhealthy weight gain. Having a primary care doctor you trust to help monitor your overall health, address any concerns, and provide guidance on preventive measures is a key step in the right direction. If you haven’t had a physical exam in 2023, schedule one today. [...]

Summer Activities to Beat the Heat

We wait all year to enjoy warm, sunny weather outside. While this can be the perfect time for an outdoor workout, sometimes the heat and humidity can impact those plans. We’ve compiled a list of ways to keep up with your exercise habits while beating the heat.   Cool Off Indoors  If you want to avoid the heat, opt for an indoor workout. This can be a great option when the humidity and heat index are high or if the air quality is poor. Indoor activity options are numerous, whether at the gym or in your home. Try a class like Yoga or Bootcamp, bring the outdoors inside by attending an indoor rock-climbing facility, or put some tropical tunes in your earbuds and pretend you’re at the beach while enjoying your air-conditioned workout session.   Just Add Water  Summer is the season [...]

Mind-Body Fitness

Mind-body fitness incorporates mental engagement with active movement and controlled breathing. This full-body approach to activity focuses on body awareness during exercise and can also include mindful meditation. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of this fitness style and ways you can add it to your current workout routine. Benefits Mind-body fitness is a form of activity that allows the individual to see full-body benefits. When our mind is prepared for and focused on the exercise we're completing, it can help us pay more attention to our movements. We’re more in tune with our intensity, technique, and form. More awareness lowers the risk of injury and increases the ability to experience the benefits of physical activity. Research has shown how this type of fitness can benefit overall health and disease management. Research suggests, “Incorporating approaches such as mind-body [...]

The Perfect Picnic

Sunny weather is here again! And what's more perfect for picnics? With picnics in mind, we thought we'd write some helpful hints on ways to keep picnics fun, simple, and healthy. Remember back to our "Building A Healthy Salad" article, we used the Plate Method as a starting point for building a great salad. Many of those same principles, plus the tips in this article, can be used to plan for The Perfect Picnic! To review, the plate method encourages filling at least half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables, a quarter of it with lean protein and the remainder with whole grains and fruits. Stay Ahead of Dehydration with Water, Fruits and Vegetables It's always important to ensure adequate hydration, especially with any increase in physical activity. While packing our food for the day, we might accidentally forget to [...]

Now Trending: Group Fitness

Feeling bored or stuck with your current exercise routine? Then group fitness might be your answer. This style of exercise is constantly changing and evolving. Due to the wide variety of options, it is easy to find a class of interest. We’ve rounded up and explored some of the newest trends in group fitness. Group Personal Training Group personal training has become a more budget-friendly option for personalized training. The group usually consists of two to five participants, so the cost per person is less than a private session. Since these groups are smaller than a typical group fitness class, you can still have individualized training specific to your goals and needs. Grab a few friends and begin your fitness journey together. Virtual Fitness Classes Exercising with a group can help boost motivation and accountability, but day-to-day challenges can make [...]

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer screening was in the news recently, as the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) is planning to lower the recommended age for beginning mammograms. The USPSTF and the American Cancer Society now both agree that screening mammography should begin at age 40 for women at average risk. Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women (behind skin cancer), and the second most deadly (behind lung cancer). Nearly 300,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2023. Fortunately, the 5-year survival rate for breast cancer is now over 90%, and it continues to rise. This ongoing improvement is due to a combination of early detection and increasingly effective treatments. Risk Factors and Prevention Risk factors increase a person’s chances of getting a certain condition. According to the National Cancer Institute, these are the main [...]

Ditch the Diets

  The dieting industry is a multi-billion dollar industry for a reason. The reason you keep seeing all of these new trendy diets hitting the market is because diets don’t work! Millions of Americans attempt to lose weight each year by purchasing diet pills, meal plans, and other various dieting programs. Only to fail miserably. The truth is, it's not your fault. For years we have been taking the wrong approach, restriction is not the answer. Psychologically, dietary restraint can lead to greater reactivity to food cues, increased cravings, and indulgence. This, in-turn can cause overeating and binge eating. Biologically, dieting can lead to unhealthy changes in body composition, hormonal changes, reduced bone density, menstrual disturbances, and lower resting energy expenditure. The smartest decision you can make is to ditch the dieting and restriction mentality. Instead, incorporate healthy foods into [...]

Building a Healthy Salad

  Salads are the image of "health food".  When we think "I'm going to eat healthily", we often default to salads. Although, when we don't build a well-balanced salad, we might end up overeating at snacks or later meals. The salad could be loaded with salt and fat and we feel as sluggish as if we had consumed a burger! In between these two extremes is a salad that will help us sustain energy, without yearning for more or feeling too tired to keep moving. This can be a great option if we make a great plan! As fresh vegetable season is around the corner, here is a guide for creating optimal salad combinations. Plate Method: this encourages a balanced meal with lean proteins, dairy/non-dairy alternatives, vegetables/fruits, grains, and heart-healthy fats.  Salads incorporating most, or all, of these in recommended [...]