Speaker Bill Frankel
“Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution”
Does your New Year’s resolution include weight loss and getting healthy? Keeping this #1 resolution is hard and most of us fail before we even get started. Every day we are bombarded with mixed information on how to lose weight, which exercise is best, and what foods pack the most punch. Even if you do not run marathons and eat vegan you can be healthy. Bill Frankel will give you the straight talk on ways to get on track—today—to a healthier you.
Bill Frankel is the Executive Vice President of Be Well Solutions, a physician-owned, comprehensive wellness company. Mr. Frankel provides wellness services and organizational consulting for companies throughout the United States. His areas of expertise include stress management, sustained wellness, exercise and nutrition, team building, organizational change, difficult personalities, effective communication, and leadership development. Mr. Frankel received his B.S. degree from The Ohio State University and his M.Ed. from Loyola University.
What: January Monthly Luncheon Meeting with Speaker Bill Frankel
Where: Mustard Seed Market & Café, 6025 Kruse Dr, 2nd Floor, Solon, OH 44139
When: January 21, 2014, 11:45AM-1:00PM
Contact: 440-248-5080, staff@solonchamber.com
Admission: $23.00 Chamber members & guests; $40.00 non-members. Deadline for reservations is 3:00PM Friday, January 17, 2014. Late reservations will be charged an additional $5 provided space is available. Pre-paid reservations required.
Sponsored by P.K. Wadsworth Heating & Cooling Inc.