Biometric Screening
Evaluating the health of a population depends on understanding the critical components of identifiable and modifiable risk. Biometric measurements are key components in risk assessment both on an organizational and individual level.
Workplace Screening – Let Our Team Meet Yours
Be Well Solutions offers a variety of engaging, educational and affordable biometric screening programs that assess risk factors and provide understandable feedback about the results. Our screenings are staffed by health professionals who offer good-sense solutions to help participants prevent major health problems. Effective communication with each participant is key to our success in this area.
Biometric screening includes important body measurements such as blood pressure, BMI (body mass index), cholesterol and blood glucose. In addition to the typical biometric tests, cotinine, hemoglobin A1C, prostate specific antigen and a variety of other clinical tests may be added to the standard menu.
Physician Screening and Off-site Collection
For participants who prefer to be screened by their own physician, we collect and track off-site screening results as well. Our forms are simple for the doctor to complete and easy to download right from the web portal.
Be Well Solutions has the flexibility to coordinate on-site, off-site or combination screening models. All personal health data is recorded and stored on our secure website for easy access.
We also have a relationship with LabCorp of America that allows participants to be screened at any of their numerous nationwide locations. There is never an out of pocket cost to program participants and the results are posted on the portal within a few days of the screening tests.
Call today to learn more about what you should expect from a successful company wellness program!