Read Time: 1 min 51 sec


Wake-up, sleepy head! You are not the only one that head nods throughout the day. About half of all Americans feel sleepy most days of the week, according to the Sleep Foundation.  When we don’t get enough sleep, it can increase our risk for developing chronic health conditions, interfere with our hormones, and decrease our immunity to illnesses. In the short term we feel sleepy, irritated, and less likely to make better decisions. Sleep plays an important role in our lives by helping us to feel good during the day. Sleep is just as important for our health as exercise and eating well. Make a wellness goal to try some tips below to get more restful sleep.



Routine: Making sleep a priority by staying on a routine and aiming to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Start and end your day around the same time.

Environment: It’s really important to create a comfortable space where you can relax. Try changing the paint color or sheet colors if it seems too loud for your bedroom.

Support: Make sure to have a mattress and pillow that are comfortable and support your spine throughout the night.

Yoga: Another great way to relax and get ready for bed  is to do a night-time yoga routine. This can relax your muscles and tell your brain it’s time to rest.

Smell: Certain scents like lavender or sandalwood are a great way to signal your body to relax.

Cotton:  Cotton has a very comfortable feel, which makes it easy to relax and prepare for sleep. Try using cotton pajamas and sheets to get a better night’s rest.



Electronics: Aim to keep ALL screens out of the bedroom. Try something more relaxing, like reading a book or deep breathing, before bedtime.

Temperature: Aim to keep your bedroom between 65 and 67 degrees for a great night’s sleep.

Light: Close your blinds, buy blackout curtains, use a sleep mask, and turn off any lights to promote rest.

Stimulants: Drinks that have caffeine – like sodas, coffee, and some teas may make it harder to relax before bed.  Alcohol may initially make you feel sleepy, but research shows that it can affect your quality of sleep.


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