6 Tips for Staying Healthy this Winter

Winter has settled in, and with it comes colder temperatures, more germs, and limited daylight that can interrupt our healthy habits. Don’t let your health take a back seat this season. Use these tips to help you stay healthy all winter long. Stay Active The change in season might make it tempting to forgo your exercise routine and hibernate all season, but movement is beneficial all year. It can help manage weight, improve mental health, and boost your immune system. If you continue to exercise outside, be sure to dress for the weather and dress in layers. If you would rather stay inside this season, try workout apps at home or a new class at the gym. This is an excellent time of year to change your routine and try something different with exercise. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite [...]

The Science of Recovery: How to Optimize Your Rest Days

Whether your goal in exercise is to get stronger, improve endurance, break a personal record, increase function, manage weight, or feel your best, you’ll need to make rest and recovery part of your plan. Proper recovery allows time for your body to adapt, reach its goals, and keep your regimen more consistent. Whenever this necessary component gets overlooked, it increases the risk of injury and hinders muscle growth and overall progress. Even if you’re not an avid exerciser, you may be familiar with how massage, stretching, and foam rolling can help ease sore muscles, as well as ice and cold therapy can help reduce inflammation. Your rest and recovery shouldn’t stop there. We’ve compiled several more ways to optimize your rest days. Proper Nutrition & Hydration Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, and carbohydrates are stored in muscle [...]

5 UV Safety Tips for Your Summer Vacation

Summer is here, and it’s time for fun in the sun! Whether you relax on the beach or go for a long hike, time spent outdoors benefits your mind and body. However, too much sun exposure can quickly ruin a good thing and increase your risk of sun damage, premature skin aging, and skin cancer. While planning your next summer vacation, add these UV safety tips to your itinerary and bring home memories instead of a sunburn. Seek Shade During Peak Sun Hours Ultraviolet (UV) Rays are strongest during peak sun hours between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention1). During those hours, it is a good idea to find adequate shade and limit time in direct sunlight. Bring an umbrella or have ample shade available. Be extra mindful of areas with water and sand, which [...]

8 Tips for Exercising Safely

Regular exercise provides many health benefits, from weight management to disease prevention. However, safety is paramount to avoid unnecessary injuries or setbacks. We’ve compiled eight tips to help you exercise safely and get the most out of your workout session. Get the Green Light from Your Doctor Before beginning a new exercise routine, or if it’s been a while since you’ve consistently exercised, you should consult your physician first. Working with your doctor helps determine your readiness for activity, guidelines and adaptations for injuries or conditions, and when an exercise professional could be helpful. Start Slowly, Increase Gradually Incorporate exercise in small bouts as you’re getting started. Then, slowly increase your duration, intensity, and frequency. Starting slower will allow your body to adapt and develop endurance and strength. If you begin with too much too fast, you can increase the [...]

Hydrate for Health

  Hydration is quite the trend in recent years, and that makes complete sense, as water is essential for life. Even subtle dehydration can impair performance in numerous areas. Every part of our body needs water to function properly. With that said, what really constitutes adequacy in hydration? This can be confusing, as the internet is rife with contradictory information and influencers carrying gallon jugs or toting the hottest water bottle. Daily Requirements Depend on Several Factors In the US and Canada, the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK45182/) recommendations determine "Adequate Intake" (AI), based on research conducted in healthy people.  However, it is acknowledged that studies on fluid intake are difficult to conduct and depend on several individual factors.  The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine tell us that daily AI for adults is as follows: Males - [...]

Summer Activities to Beat the Heat

We wait all year to enjoy warm, sunny weather outside. While this can be the perfect time for an outdoor workout, sometimes the heat and humidity can impact those plans. We’ve compiled a list of ways to keep up with your exercise habits while beating the heat.   Cool Off Indoors  If you want to avoid the heat, opt for an indoor workout. This can be a great option when the humidity and heat index are high or if the air quality is poor. Indoor activity options are numerous, whether at the gym or in your home. Try a class like Yoga or Bootcamp, bring the outdoors inside by attending an indoor rock-climbing facility, or put some tropical tunes in your earbuds and pretend you’re at the beach while enjoying your air-conditioned workout session.   Just Add Water  Summer is the season [...]

Building your Immune System with Healthy Habits

  With the upcoming changing of the seasons, we will soon see a major change in the weather. With that change, colds and the flu will be running rampant. Even though it might be harder to tackle workouts in the colder months, exercise and incorporating nutrient-dense foods into meals are critical to support your immune system and overall wellness. Try using these simple tips and tricks to help you stay active and healthy throughout the fall and winter. Wash your water bottle - Do you leave your water bottle in your gym bag or leave your water bottle at work all week? It sounds so simple, yet many are not washing their water bottle daily. Salvia can be backwashed into bottles and become the perfect breeding ground for bacteria to grow, which can potentially make you ill. The good news [...]

Hydration, Electrolytes, and Exercise

  Hydration is a key factor when it comes to physical activity. Our bodies need adequate water intake to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, and bring important nutrients throughout your body for energy. When you’re not well-hydrated, it can greatly impact your performance with exercise, and even more importantly, it can take a toll on things like organ function and blood pressure. From light intensity to high intensity and on hot days and even cold days, it is imperative to practice good hydration before, during, and after exercise. What Factors Affect Hydration? Many factors can affect hydration during exercise and activity. During physical activity, your body loses fluid through sweat. Sweating can occur on hot summer days, as well as cold winter days, and every other day in between. Sweating can occur without it being visible. For example, did [...]

Mocktails: Happiness in a Cup

  A mocktail can be a perfect addition to an evening of partying or relaxing at the pool. Try something healthy and refreshing to enjoy this summer. Use the tips below to create a signature drink without the worries of excess calories. Ingredients: Recipes can use a variety of ingredients such as club soda, tonic water, juice, and coconut water. Seltzer water, club soda, or tonic water: Which one is better? Seltzer water and club soda are calorie free and great ingredients for mocktails. Unfortunately, tonic water is high in added sugar. To put it in perspective, 12 fluid ounces of tonic water has 33 grams of added sugar (about 8 teaspoons of sugar). If you use tonic water, be mindful of your portion size since calories can add up quickly or try no sugar added tonic water. Tip: If [...]

Hydration and Mental Health

  Staying hydrated is an integral part of health and wellness. However, it is often overlooked, especially when water is out of sight and out of mind. You’re probably familiar with how hydration is necessary during exercise, fighting a cold, or proper digestion. But did you know that adequate hydration is important for our mental health too? Let’s take a closer look at how it can affect us mentally. Improved Brain Performance According to the National Council on Aging, “even mild dehydration – as little as 2% fluid loss – can affect memory, mood, concentration, and reaction time.” Getting adequate hydration throughout the day can balance all these areas and positively impact our brain performance. As you age, the risk for dehydration increases, and cognitive function can decrease. This shows that proper hydration and water intake are key factors in [...]