The Science of Stress: Understanding Its Effects on the Mind and Body

Stress is something we often experience daily. Anytime we face a stressful situation, the body automatically prepares to react. It releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline that act to increase our heart rate and breathing, contract muscles, and elevate blood sugar for quick energy. These functions are necessary to help us respond in an emergency. However, prolonged and unmanaged stress can become chronic and negatively affect both mind and body. Stress and the Body Chronic stress affects every system of the body. Tense muscles can lead to soreness, neck and back pain, headaches, and migraines. Consistently elevated stress hormone levels increase the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. It can trigger or exacerbate respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions. Long-term stress can also suppress immune system function and cause fertility and reproduction complications. Chronic stress even affects the body [...]

5 Ways to Incorporate Mindful Moments into Your Day

Life can seem busier every day, making it easy to rush through our busy days on autopilot. Practicing mindfulness allows you to pay attention in the present moment purposefully and without judgment. Instead of quick reactions or thoughtless choices, mindfulness brings intentionality and focus to decision-making. If you’re not sure where to begin when it comes to practicing mindfulness or if you feel like you don’t have time in your day to think about one more thing, here are five easy ways to incorporate mindful moments into your day. Mindful Breaks Even on the busiest day, you can have a mindful break for a few moments. As responsibilities and stress pile up, our thoughts start racing as well. Mindful breaks bring our thoughts back to the present and quiet the chatter. Take a mindful break by practicing several rounds of [...]

Stress Less: Response vs. Reaction

Stressful situations arise often, but they are not always in our control. However, the way we respond or react in these situations is something we can control. While these two words may sound similar, they are two very different approaches to managing stress. Let’s explore how your approach can make all the difference in daily stress management. It’s Natural to React Our bodies naturally react whenever they encounter a stressful situation. Once our brain recognizes a real or perceived threat, it tells our automatic nervous system (ANS) that it is time to act. The ANS first signals our sympathetic nervous system by increasing stress hormone production and initiating our flight or fight reaction. This reaction causes quick changes in bodily function, such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, elevated blood pressure, contracted muscles, and digestive changes. When the stressor passes, [...]

Prioritizing Wellness in a Busy World

Keeping up healthy habits can be a tall task when juggling all the responsibilities of daily life. Wellness often slips down our priority list the busier we get. Knowing the importance of health is easy, but it is often harder to make time for it. We’ve compiled a list of tips to help you add quality to your years while navigating a busy schedule. Set Realistic Goals Set yourself up for success by making goals that are realistic and attainable. Begin with smaller, more manageable plans that you can build upon as you go. This gradual approach will help build resilience and confidence along the way. As you set your ambitions, let them align with your current schedule and season of life. Then, revisit your approach often, as we all know how constantly changing our schedules can be. This reflection [...]

Holistic Approaches to Managing Chronic Stress and Anxiety

Stress can impact everybody system, making it necessary to consider a holistic approach to managing it. While we can’t eliminate all stress, combining physical, mental, and social strategies can help build effective and lasting ways to be more resilient during stressful times. Balanced Nutrition Anytime we’re in stressful situations, it’s common to notice appetite changes. Whether we’re prone to snacking on anything in sight, skipping meals, or craving comfort foods, our nutrition typically takes a hit. However, balanced nutrition is one of our body’s top energy sources, and it can help us healthily manage stress. You don't need to begin a strict or extreme fad diet that can cause even more stress. Instead, think about ways to be more mindful of your eating. Intentionally incorporate more colorful fruits, veggies, lean protein, and whole grains in your meals and snacks. Make [...]

6 Ways to Stress Less This Winter

The winter months can seem exceptionally long, especially when cold and dreary, bringing their fair share of stress this season as well! Between the holidays, busy schedules, and changes in daylight and weather, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. To help give you a respite, we’ve compiled six ways to stress less this winter. Incorporate Physical Activity Exercise is often less consistent this time of year, but staying active is a great way to manage stress, among many other health benefits. Add some physical activity to each day. Consider indoor options like the gym, a class, or home workouts whenever the weather isn’t conducive to exercising outside. If you’re heading outdoors for a workout, dress appropriately for the weather and wear reflective gear during the hours of limited daylight. Eat Mindfully Stress less about your food intake by being more intentional [...]

Mind-Body Fitness

Mind-body fitness incorporates mental engagement with active movement and controlled breathing. This full-body approach to activity focuses on body awareness during exercise and can also include mindful meditation. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of this fitness style and ways you can add it to your current workout routine. Benefits Mind-body fitness is a form of activity that allows the individual to see full-body benefits. When our mind is prepared for and focused on the exercise we're completing, it can help us pay more attention to our movements. We’re more in tune with our intensity, technique, and form. More awareness lowers the risk of injury and increases the ability to experience the benefits of physical activity. Research has shown how this type of fitness can benefit overall health and disease management. Research suggests, “Incorporating approaches such as mind-body [...]

Mindful New Year’s Resolutions

A new year is a perfect time for reevaluating and setting new goals.  However, we’re all too familiar with how difficult it can be to stick to those resolutions all year long. We quickly get caught up in the hustle and bustle of a new year, and those good intentions slip down our priority list. Mindfulness is about purposefully focusing on the here and now. It can be a beneficial tool for successfully establishing, reaching, and maintaining new goals this year. Set Your Intention and Attention When setting your intentions for the new year, think about the purpose behind the goal. Why is it important to you? Why is it something you want to accomplish or improve now? What is your motivation? Thinking about your answers to these questions will help you keep your attention tuned into the motivation behind [...]

Mindfulness Meditation

  What is the first thing you think of when someone tells you to meditate? Perhaps you think of monks sitting cross-legged repeating “hum” in a Zen garden. This may be the truth for some, but the modern world has taken a different approach to meditation, combining the practice with a concept known as mindfulness. Mindfulness meditation has shown to have long-lasting benefits and can be easily done by anybody. What is Mindfulness Meditation? Mindfulness meditation is an approach to becoming aware of our breath and mindset. It involves examining each breath we take and noticing how our mind begins to wander during this task. As we continue to practice returning to our breath, we are able to build the muscles of attention and mindfulness. We increase our own ability to stay in the present as we guide ourselves to [...]

Stress Less: Apps for Meditation and Stress Reduction

Apps for Meditation and Stress Reduction Do you often get overwhelmed by stress? Not sure how to manage the rush of everyday life? You might consider giving mediation a try! Mediation is a well-established method for relaxation and stress reduction and may help improve sleep, concentration, anxiety and overall health. This practice helps push aside thoughts that may be distracting, negative, or stress-inducing, and focuses attention on the present moment. Thoughts of the past or worries about the future are pushed aside to focus on the peaceful moments spent in the experience. This is often accomplished through focusing on an external object, a repetitive word or phrase or slow, deep breathing patterns. Meditation is a skill that takes practice. To help you get started, there are many apps available that teach proper meditation techniques and can be done in as [...]