Stress, Screens, and Sleep

Stress, Screens, and Sleep Read Time: 2 minutes 06 seconds What do our stress levels and screen time have to do with sleep? Both can have a significant impact on the quality and quantity of our rest. Nighttime Stress Management Stress levels can build throughout the day, and if not managed properly, they can linger on to cause sleepless nights. While we can’t get rid of stress completely, there are strategies that we can practice to help manage stress and give our minds a break. The keyword here is “practice” since relaxation techniques work if you do them regularly. Try these stress-busters for a better night’s rest: Meditation. From guided videos to progressive muscle relaxation, meditation can be a beneficial tool for managing stress. Meditation teaches focusing and being present in the moment. When our minds start to wander with [...]

Stress and Heart Disease

Stress and Heart Disease Read Time: 1 minute 6 seconds Stress can cause our heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure to rise. This is a normal response and can be necessary at certain times. However, when stress sticks around for long periods of time, it can start to take a toll on the body. This includes many of our internal organs, including the heart.   How Stress Affects the Heart When stress is prolonged and poorly managed, a higher level of the hormone cortisol lingers in the body. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, “Studies suggest that the high levels of cortisol from long-term stress can increase blood cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure.” An elevation in these factors leads to a higher risk of heart disease. Chronic stress has also been shown to increase the rate [...]

Exercise your HEART

Exercise Your HEART Read Time: 2 minutes 46 seconds You may be familiar with the benefits that consistent exercise has on managing weight, blood pressure, stress, strength, and endurance.  But did you know that consistent exercise can also help keep your heart healthy and lower your risk of heart disease? Just like the muscles of the body need regular exercise, so does our heart muscle. Exercise can keep our heart pumping efficiently, so it does not have to work too hard. Consistent physical activity can also help our arteries and blood vessels stay more flexible, which promotes proper circulation and more managed blood pressure. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise along with 2 or more days of strength training per week. While aerobic exercise is great for cardiovascular health, it is also important [...]

Supporting a Healthy Immune System

Supporting a Healthy Immune System Read Time: 2 min 54 sec Ways to boost immunity has become a hot topic as of late, but unfortunately, there are many factors about our immune system that we do not yet understand. To begin with, the immune system is an incredibly complex system and not a single entity. It is composed of multiple mechanisms throughout our body that recognize and destroy potential invaders like bacteria and viruses. Networks of cells and tissues are programmed to work in concert to properly protect our bodies from illness. There is still much research to be done to understand the details of our unique immune response. This complexity is one possible reason why research has not yet proven that any single lifestyle behavior or habit can directly enhance immune function. However, that doesn’t mean that lifestyle and [...]

Stress Less: IHO Method

I.H.O. – The Stress Management Technique that Works! Read time: 2 min 35 sec The coronavirus outbreak has created a ripple effect of stress for many people that spans beyond the fear of physical illness alone. Depending on your situation, you may be experiencing hardships emotionally, financially, or in your relationships with others. Chronic stress that goes untreated has been associated with health conditions such as depression, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Fortunately, we can learn ways to combat the emotional, physical, and mental impacts of stress.  Be Well Solutions has taught people successful stress management for years, using a model that encourages people to respond rather than to react, and to examine strategies that allow one to focus energy on managing the things under their control. Know Your Symptoms of Stress Stress can rear its ugly [...]

Stress Less: Apps for Meditation and Stress Reduction

Apps for Meditation and Stress Reduction Do you often get overwhelmed by stress? Not sure how to manage the rush of everyday life? You might consider giving mediation a try! Mediation is a well-established method for relaxation and stress reduction and may help improve sleep, concentration, anxiety and overall health. This practice helps push aside thoughts that may be distracting, negative, or stress-inducing, and focuses attention on the present moment. Thoughts of the past or worries about the future are pushed aside to focus on the peaceful moments spent in the experience. This is often accomplished through focusing on an external object, a repetitive word or phrase or slow, deep breathing patterns. Meditation is a skill that takes practice. To help you get started, there are many apps available that teach proper meditation techniques and can be done in as [...]

Stress Less: The Power of Yoga

The Power of Yoga Feeling a little stressed lately but not sure how to tackle it? Give yoga a try! Yoga has been growing in popularity over the years and for good reason. Research has shown that incorporating yoga into your exercise routine can improve your physical health and mental health as well. Benefits of Yoga Improves mood and sleep patterns Increases flexibility and muscle strength Decreases risk factors for chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease Reduces lower back pain Starting a Yoga Routine There are many different types of yoga and each class can vary in length and difficulty. Check out your local gyms and community centers for yoga classes. If you are new to yoga, look for beginner classes and talk to your instructor about any concerns that you may have before class. Love yoga or interested [...]

Stress Less: Declutter to Destress

Declutter to Destress We don’t need studies to realize that clutter can be stressful. Still, researchers are finding more and more that disorderly spaces can hurt stress hormones levels and even our likeliness to procrastinate. Why? Psychologists believe that the visual chaos from clutter restricts our ability to focus. Clutter is distracting, slowing our brain’s processing speed compared to when we’re in a tidy environment. In some cases, this can lead to poor decision making. Parting with our belongings can be emotionally challenging since we become attached to what we own. That’s why experts suggest decluttering with the help of a friend or family member. Instead of touching the objects you’d like to get rid of, have somebody else hold it and ask if you need it. If you touch the item, odds are you’re more likely to keep it. [...]

Stress Less: How Breathing Fights Stress

How Breathing Fights Stress What’s the first sensation you notice in your body when you face a moment of stress? Are you shaky? Does your heart race? Do your palms sweat? Maybe your breath becomes quicker and shallower. These physiological changes are all regulated by the autonomic nervous system, which continually works to regulate heart rate, respiratory rate, and digestion. When we face any stress, whether big or little, the sympathetic branch (better known as fight-or-flight) of the autonomic nervous system activates. Even bad traffic on the way home can cause the release of adrenal hormones into the bloodstream that triggers fight-or-flight in multiple parts of the body. The result can be higher blood pressure, faster breathing, a quicker heart rate, and even elevated blood sugar levels. It might seem like there is little we can do to stop fight-or-flight [...]

Stress Less: Visualization

Visualization Do you ever find yourself mentally visiting a serene beach or favorite vacation spot when things get stressful? Visiting your “happy place” can’t help you escape all your troubles, but it might provide temporary relief from stress and anxiety. Even just imagining a peaceful setting is shown to convince the body and unconscious mind that you are in a safe, beautiful, and therefore relaxing environment. This practice is called visualization, and like other meditative exercises, it offers a distraction to redirect your attention from a stressor to something more peaceful. The goal is to learn how to cultivate a state of relaxed detachment where you can watch, but not become overwhelmed by, stressful thoughts and sensations that enter your mind. With time, quick thoughts of a peaceful setting can begin to act as a cue that brings about relaxing [...]