6 Effective Ways to Boost Your Mental Health This Season

Do you ever notice a shift in mood, energy, and overall mental health as the seasons transition? Shorter daylight hours, less sunlight, and isolation can take a toll this time of year. While physical health is important all year long, so is addressing and managing our mental health. Don’t let the challenges of the season get you down. Follow these tips to boost your mental health this fall and winter. Keep Moving Exercise isn't only beneficial for your body; it can positively impact your mental health! It increases the production of endorphins in the body. This hormone is often considered the body’s natural painkiller or mood-booster. Physical activity aids in lowering cortisol levels, a stress hormone. It can help with managing depression and anxiety symptoms. In addition, exercise can also increase concentration, improve self-esteem, promote quality sleep, and raise overall [...]

How to Cope with Being a Caregiver

Caregiving is one of the most rewarding things we can do for loved ones. However, it can also lead to feeling overwhelmed, stressed, lonely, and exhausted. According to the Mayo Clinic1, “1 in 3 adults in the United States is an informal or family caregiver.” There’s a good chance that you or someone you know is currently a caregiver. Learning how to cope with the challenges of this role can ensure a healthier experience for everyone involved. Signs of Caregiver Stress Knowing and recognizing the signs of caregiver stress is the first step in healthy coping. These signs can present as physical, mental, or emotional symptoms. Physical signs include fatigue, problems sleeping, sudden changes in weight, headaches, and body aches. It can also include misusing alcohol, medication, or drugs. Mental and emotional signs include increased feelings of anxiety, worry, sadness, [...]

How to Find Mental Health Support

Caring for our mental health is necessary for our overall health and wellness. It can often feel daunting to figure out where to start when we need extra support. Whether you’re looking for something local or discreet, there’s always a solution to help fit your personal needs. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best places to find mental health support and services. Talk with Your Doctor A primary care doctor or nurse practitioner can be a helpful resource. Many doctors have therapists, counselors, and support groups they routinely work with. Since your doctor knows your medical history, they’ll know your current medications, conditions, and preferences. They can connect you with the right individual for further support. Look to Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Most large employers have EAPs which offer confidential professional assistance to employees and their families [...]